Friday 17 July 2009

Disadvantages of Solar Christmas Lights

Any type of solar lights are made of LED bulbs, which stands for Light Emitting Diodes that means that they basically use less energy and heat. And because they use less energy, this means the solar power will be able to last longer and so will the bulb.

Solar Christmas lights however, come a lot more expensive than traditional lights, but keep in mind that traditional lights come with an electricity bill and solar lights don't. If you shop smart you can get really good solar bulbs for Christmas at a really low price. For instance, you can get string of 50 lights at for 50$ or you can get a string of fifty lights for 20$ at target.

1 comment:

  1. i never know the use of adobe shadow until i saw this post. thank you for this! this is very helpful. Best Solar Christmas Lights
